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Setra Group quickly migrates entire IT infrastructure using Cristie TBMR

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TBMR allows users to recover machines directly from native IBM Storage Protect backups.

Simultaneous, controlled recovery of multiple physical and virtual servers.

With secure block based data transfer the migration was completed ahead of schedule.

Minimum downtime achieved to reduce impact on live production process.

QD simulated a full disaster recovery restoration as proof of concept before the live migration.

Expert technical support and advice from Cristie ensured the migration project ran smoothly.

Customer Profile:

Setra Group, one of Sweden’s largest wood products companies with 8 production sites around Sweden.


Setra turned to Swedish IT provider QD to help with an urgent requirement; to move its entire IT infrastructure within a very tight time schedule. Peter Sudelin, Infrastructure Manager, QD, says, “Setra asked us to migrate a large number of servers without risking the company’s ongoing production process; with minimum downtime.”


The complex and urgent logistics of the project meant QD needed an easy to use, innovative, powerful software solution to migrate all of Setra’s physical and virtual servers. QD selected Cristie Software’s TBMR which allows users to recover machines directly from native backups, including IBM Storage Protect. This is designed to provide rapid automatic machine recovery to an identical state. Furthermore, TBMR is capable of restoring ‘anything to anything’; from similar to dissimilar hardware, from physical to virtual to cloud, in any direction.


Installing TBMR was simple and QD were able to migrate all of Setra’s data to new hardware quickly and securely in a controlled manner. Sudelin comments:

“We knew we had the tools necessary to handle the migration successfully. One could say that we simulated a disaster recovery at Setra’s previous site and restored all data in our own IT environment at the new site. We performed the migration in less time than estimated and finished before the deadline. Setra was aware of the challenges and overwhelmed that everything went so smoothly.”

TBMR is now an integral part of QD’s solution offering and they are using it increasingly in other projects.

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