Headline enhancements
Our latest release includes volumes of new functionality which brings with it a wealth of benefits. Some of the key highlights include:
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is now a supported target hypervisor for Recoveries, Simulations & Replications.
- You can now Simulate Protect for VMs recoveries.
- EMC Avamar 19.1 is now supported for Recover & Simulate operations.
- EMC NetWorker 19.1 is now supported for Recover & Simulate operations.
- You can now configure reports to email/alert you if your DR config dates are old, or your licenses are expiring soon.
- BMR Proxy logs are now included as part of the “Download logs” feature found in advanced options. (Previously this was a manual step taken by the user).
- Virtual Appliance now includes latest RHEL patches.
- Service status is now shown in the main Appliance GUI. This will alert you if any of the Cristie services are not ready.
- Features can now be enabled/disabled from the terminal.
- Machine discovery is now faster.
- Importing hotfix ISOs now retains the “PE5/PE10” information for Windows ISOs.
- Improved disk mapping support for physical replication (or recovery/simulation) targets.
- Web boot is now included in the Cristie Appliance.
- BMR Proxy discovery is now faster and more reliable
Bug Fixes
- You could not create a migration job without also selecting to “sync”. This is now fixed.
- CloneManager uninstall (from Estate Management) did not remove the system entry from Estate Management. This is now fixed.
- Manually installing CBMR, then running a backup would sometimes fail. This is now fixed.
- Uninstalling older versions of the products from machines (via Estate Management) would sometimes fail. This is now fixed.
- Incremental backup job would always run, even if the job was set to full. This is now fixed.
- Previous releases would not allow a “.” character in vSphere VM names. This is no longer an issue.
- Proxy deployment would report success before both proxies has been discovered. This is now fixed.